Monday, July 16, 2007

7 Tips To Improve Your Mental Skills And Agility As You Age

Although many people may think that getting older only brings about poor health and painful knees, there are actually a variety of things you can do to keep yourself feeling younger. Even though you are getting older, you can still work on improving your mental skills as well as your agility as you are aging. The following are a few tips that can help you with the endeavor to improve agility and mental skills, even as you age.

Tip #1 - Never Stop Learning - One of the most important tips to improving your mental skills is to never stop learning. So you are 60, 70, or even 80. This does not mean that you can just stop learning new things. If you want to keep your brain sharp and functioning correctly you will want to continually learn new things.

Tip #2 - Look for New Challenges - Looking for new challenges in your life can also help you to improve your mental skills and agility. There are various games that can be a great challenge to your brain, such as word searches, Scrabble, and other popular word games that make you think. You may also want to take on some physical challenges as well, such as dancing, swimming, or some other sport that will be a challenge.

Tip #3 - Stay Involved in Life and with Other People - In order to keep you mind quick and agile, you will want to keep involved with life and with other people as well. People are meant to be very social beings, and it is never good for you to withdraw from other people and even from life. Be active, see new sights, meet new friends, and have fun.

Tip #4 - Maintain a Good Physical Health - Your physical health is extremely important as you age as well. It is important that you eat right and that you keep active. Many people feel the urge to be more sedentary as they age, but if you want to stay agile, you will need to keep as active as possible. Find some exercises that you enjoy doing and make sure that you make healthy food choices as well.

Tip #5 - Listen to Music - Music does wonders for the body, mind, and the soul. It has a very soothing effect and has been proven to help improve your thinking and your mental skills. Listen to music every single day and take the time to actually enjoy it through your whole being. The music will improve the way you feel and think, so find some great tunes that you enjoy and sing or hum the day away.

Tip #6 - Learn to Read Faster - Reading is great for keeping the mind agile and sharp; however, you may want to take some courses that will help you learn how to read faster as well. Learning how to read faster is an excellent challenge for the brain. Learning something new is always excellent, and polishing up your reading skills so you can read faster than ever is an excellent idea that will keep your brain young and healthy.

Tip #7 - Drink Plenty of Fresh Water - Believe it or not, drinking plenty of fresh water is also extremely important to improving your mental skills and your agility as well. Water is something that your body needs every day, and you need to make sure you get plenty of it. While drinking eight glasses of water a day is great, you may want to drink even more than that to keep your system flushed out and working as it should. Water is actually excellent for you skin as well, and will help keep your skin looking healthy and revived.
Even though your age is getting older, there is no reason for you to feel as though you have to stop living life. These tips can help you improve your mental skills and your agility so that you can enjoy your life, even as you are aging.
Reuben John, is the author of the book on Staying Healthy And Fit As You Age. He has trained thousands in Fitness, Exercise, Diet and Nutrition. Discover more little known secrets to staying youthful and energetic at


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Unknown said...

Thanks for your information. Really it is the fact that there is there is no age for learning.If you are mentally and physically active then you can proof yourself even better than a young person.

Best Regards